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Hi, I'm Mingye

Mingye Chen

I am a masters student studying computer science at the University of Michigan.


Research Assistant
Refraction Networking

May 2022 - Present, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

  • One-shot proxy: Developed a Refraction Networking scheme based on UDP, eliminating the need for registration and enhancing latency and resistance to censorship by embedding essential data in the initial packet. Collaborated to write a paper in submission to FOCI 2024.
  • DTLS transport: Built a transport based on DTLS for the Conjure Refraction networking system, integrated into the Psiphon circumvention tool, enabling peer-to-peer UDP connections for effective censorship circumvention.
  • DNS registrar: Developed a censorship-resistant registrar based on DNS for the Conjure Refraction networking system by implementing a DNS tunnel for covert communication, enabling encrypted and encoded message exchange within the inherent constraints of DNS protocol for a secure, low-throughput registration method.

Student Security Engineer
Riot Games via UM MDP program

January 2023 - Dec 2023, Remote

  • Engineered an extensible monitoring system in Python and Go to provide engineers real-time alerts for potential vulnerabilities in the network, automating detection and flagging noncompliance 3x faster than existing methods.
  • Assessed network security vulnerabilities within Riot’s firewall environment with senior InfoSec specialists to detect exposure points and determine suspicious activity, minimizing risks in response to recent cyber attacks.


M.S.E. in Computer Science
B.S.E. in Computer Science
Taken Courses
  • Computer Security
  • Computer Networks
  • Operating Systems
  • Cryptography
  • Web Systems
  • Software Engineering
  • User Interface Development
  • Conversational Artificial Inteligence
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Technical Communication for Computer Science


Natrual Language Processing Annotation Web Application
Team member June 2022

Cooperated to build a web application for annotation on 13 different types of NLP datasets including text chunking, name entity recognition, etc. using Flask, React, and SQLite.

Network File Server
Team member April 2022

Worked in a team to implement a multi-threaded network file server in C++. Clients can use the file server by interacting with it via network messages.

Virtual Memory Pager
Team member March 2022

Worked in a team to design and implement a virtual memory pager which manages application processes' virtual address spaces in C++.

Thread Library
Team member Feburary 2022

Worked in a team to design and implement a thread library using linux ucontex_t functions in C++.

Network Anomaly Detector
Team member October 2021

Created a program that analyzes network packet files to detect port scanning and ARP spoofing activities in the network. Implemented in Go and made heavy use of the gopacket networking libraries.

Static Website Generator
Owner Januaray 2022

Created a static website generator that generate static websites similar to Instagram. Wrote website templates in Jinja and created a Python program that takes post contents in JSON files and generates them automatically to static HTML from the templates.

Jellyfin Android Client
Jellyfin Android Client
Contributor April 2022 - Present

Contributed to the Jellyfin android client written in Kotlin, fixing bugs and implementing features.